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A Little Office History

Every once in a while someone contacts us to find out some information on a silo or barn built decades ago. This week someone contacted us for some information and that sent us digging. During our excavation of old records we found some interesting old photos and articles. Above is a cut out from an old newspaper showing an even older photo of our office. Yes, we have been in the same office for over 100 years! The caption reads, “Unadilla Silo Co. as it looked many years ago.”

Here is a photo of, presumably, some previous employees on the front steps of the office with a silo model. The back of the photo lists the names; Emily Carpenter, Ed (something illegible), and Helen Cutler. Funny story, our secretary’s husband was neighbors with Emily Carpenter when he was growing up here in Unadilla.

While the faces of who works here have changed, not much else has! Same family owners, same village, even the same office building in our 130 year + history.